Sunday, January 2, 2011

The crap on the wall

Again I waited until the last moment to take my photos, instead of using the beautiful sunshine we had this afternoon. ---Apparently I need to wear my camera to remind myself!

I'm doing something I haven't done in a LONG TIME... I'm posting photos without editing them. I'm kind of scared to do this.


Ahhh much better...


Harmony said...

Its official now... I'm a photoshop addict.

Devon B said...

I want to be a photoshop addict too!! ...and YAY for your blog!!!!!!!

Niclee said...

Don't be telling Brendon you put Crap on the wall.. He will more than likely get the wrong idea in his head!

Tedd said...

Do you have a gray card or Color Picker?

Harmony said...

Tedd, I do have a gray card. Why do you ask?

Tedd said...

Just curious if the red spectrum light in these indoor shots is intentional or not.

Harmony said...

Tedd, I don't know how to set the white balance in my camera. Could you show me?

Tedd said...

I hardly ever use any white balance in my camera except auto. I always correct in PS. That's why I have the Macbeth Color Checker in my camera bag. (sorry, I used color picker earlier.)

There are a couple of brands out there.

I only use that when I'm in a situation where I want exact (as when I was shooting an kitchen spread for Taste of Home magazine). In that case, for example, there was fluorescent, tungsten and daylight mixed throughout the kitchen. For each shot, I'd put the card at the object being shot (one shot with the card, one without). The mini is about the size of a credit card.

I used a gray card left over from Brooks when I was shooting the chalk art at the balloon festival in Prosser from a boom truck. In a few cases, the art was partly in sun and partly in shadow. Again, precision was critical and there was no objective known white in the shots. Since this was for a calendar publication, I wanted as true a color as possible.

CS3 and on gives you the ability to open jpegs in camera raw and there is a great white balance tool there to use with either the gray card or color card.

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