Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Access Granted
What!? I thought I had lost my ability to log into here.
In 2005, I had decided to go to Brooks Insitute of Photography in Santa Barbara California. I was hopeful and full of dreams of becoming a famous photographer. (The admissions officers knew this, and they preyed upon students like me) in 2006 I realized how badly I was getting into debt, and then my mother developed blood clots in her lungs and I decided to go back home to Washington State. In between 2006-and 2010 a lot of life circumstances got in my way. I was determined though to one day have my own photography studio. In 2010 I decided to start a photography business. Things did not pan out the way I had hoped because I knew so little about how to run a business. I decided to go back to school to learn about business. Since then I have gotten an Applied Science in Business Administration and an Applied Science in Accounting.
Now 11 years later I find myself starting a photography business again, only this time I'm much wiser from having gone through some hard earned leasons.
So now 11 years later I would like to share some more recent photos.